Need to stop those pesky weeds from growing? Look no further than our Landscape Fabric and Ground Cover! But where to start?

Landscape Fabric

Landscape fabric is a material placed around trees, flowers or shrubs to stop weeds and promote plant growth, without chemicals. It blocks sunlight so weeds can’t grow, but it’s also permeable so air and moisture can nourish your plants. Professionals have used it for years, and now it’s growing in popularity among home gardeners and landscapers.

Is landscape fabric really better than plastic?

Yes! While black plastic does stop weeds, it also keeps air and water away from the soil, so plant-killing diseases develop. Landscape fabric blocks weeds, but its permeability allows the proper balance of air, water and nutrients into the soil. As a result, plants can grow up to twice the size of plants grown without fabric.

What makes DeWitt fabrics better?

DeWitt invented landscape fabric and our quality has made us #1 among professional landscapers. We offer a range of fabrics, all 100% UV-treated and guaranteed for up to 10 years – longest in the industry.

What type of landscape fabric is right for my project?

Luckily for you, our friends at DeWitt put together a fantastic guide on this very topic!

How should I install landscape fabric?

Lucky once more! DeWitt has a fantastic guide on this topic as well!
Will weeds grow on top of the fabric?

Weeds will grow anywhere there is an organic environment present that will allow germination. If wind blows soil and seeds onto the surface of any fabric or mulch covering there is the possibility of weed growth. Mulch itself will eventually break down and create a soil-like environment for weed seed germination. Solution: Quick application of systemic herbicide and later application of early spring or late fall pre-emergence herbicide. Follow the directions on the label.

What if weeds grow under or through the fabric?

The primary causes are improper fabric application and sometimes extremely stubborn perennial weeds or grasses. Be sure to follow the recommended fabric application directions to fully cover the entire area. In the rare case of particular weeds actually growing under or through the fabric, a herbicide application may be needed. Solution: Application of herbicides may be necessary in particular installations. The use of a plant fabric will prevent most weed growth and limit the need for chemicals. DeWitt fabrics are the best available at any price, but no individual solution will completely eliminate all weeds forever.

I have put landscape fabric down and water is not going through. Why?

The manufacturers put a coating on the material to make it roll better. After 24-48 hours, this will break down and the water will go through normally.

How far apart should I space my anchoring pins?

Generally, every 3 to 5 feet apart is sufficient.


Ground Cover

Weed control without the need for expensive mulch covering. Our woven ground cover is manufactured with a rugged polypropylene fabric which resists tearing, puncturing and weed penetration. Ground Cover is UV stabilized and permeable to air and water.

Sunbelt is a black 3.2 ounce fabric with an estimated lifespan of 5 years – also available in BrownWhite, and GreenUltraWeb 3000 is a 2.2 ounce fabric with an estimated lifespan of 3 years.

We also carry Stronghold Woven Ground Cover, a durable 3 ounce fabric ideal for greenhouses.


Weights and Lifespans

Shop by weight! The heavier the material, the longer the lifespan. We typically show landscape fabric and ground cover weights in ounces per square yard.


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